17 June 2011

And so it begins.

My adventure started off a bit rocky to say the least. After 2 plane malfunctions, a plane change and 6 hours later than anticipated I was able to finally make it to LAX. Luckily I have an amazing friend willing to pick me up at 4am when she has class at 10. It was a highly anticipated visit that was in desprate need. I've missed my bebs and I was astounded at the fact that we hadn't lost our ESPN, yes ESPN. I was able to visit old friends, make some new ones and had to leave all too soon. Though my time in California was short lived, it was incredible .

Needless to say, leaving was bitter-sweet.

Nassau, The Bahamas was a whole new kinda of crazy. It is a gorgeous place, full of gorgeous and kind people, beautiful colors and thousands of shades of blue in the ocean. Though it is overly humid and ridiculously hot it is made all better with a yellow bird and some conch fritters. I had taken a liking to the conch which seemed to be in extreme abundance in Nassau. Both myself, and a girl I was staying with, Abby were able to watch them cut and prepare the conch which made it all the more appetizing. Later on, the evening consisted of over 150 semester at sea students taking over senor frogs in downtown. All the anticipation and awkwardness of trying match people to facebook profile pictures was cooled down by an excessive amount of frozen ice blue margaritas and strawberry daquries. It was the kick of to an.. what will proove to be interesting adventure.

The next day started early with Abby having to register at the docks at 8am and I was to follow at 9. Luckily a family whose daughter is on the voyage along with me was kind enough to adopt me in the 90 degree heat and help me with my admitedly over packed bags. And after what seemed like decades, we were able to get our luggage through security and step foot for the first time upon the MV Explorer. There were many people willing to help you with directions and registration as it was all a bit overwhelming. After checking in and being turned around for a bit I finally made it to my room. Tiny and very limited in space, I waited for my roommate to put anything away so we could split up the space. We had hours to kill before leaving Nassau so meeting people and socializing was a must. Or you could lock yourself up in your room but thats no fun. When we finally said goodbye to Nassau, we met for an overall meeting where we were informed of our 8.5hour meeting sessions tomorrow. Which brought on the sighs and the anticipation of classes starting on Sunday. We shall see how tomorrow goes - but so far, like many others, I still need to gain my sea legs but we are one day closer to Barcelona and my 21st.

Fun Facts -
* We are currently traveling at 21.7knots
* There are 208 schools represented on this SAS voyage
* There are 675 students on board
* The messages left by past voyagers are the most entertaining part of living in this room

1 comment:

  1. Hi , Really enjoying your blogging. Hope you get your sea legs soon. Pretty cool to be crossing the Atlantic in a Ship, very old school, lol. love ya Auntie M
