09 December 2011

5 days at sea

The next 5 days between Istanbul and Casablanca was a mad rush of studying. Considering we hadn't been in classes for almost 10 days, it was a little difficult to bring myself to get back to class. Papers due, and readings to be done. It was a strange crossing for me. My roommate and I had talked about it at length as well. We were unable to go to Egypt on this voyage so it was a straight shot from Turkey to Morocco. We talked about everything we'd done in the past several weeks as we were passing all of the countries that we had visited on our way. We talked about things we could have done but didn't but spent more time talking about the things we thought we would never do in a million years. We talked about the people we had met and the friendships we had made - and before we allowed any more nostalgia to set in, we reminded ourselves that we still had time to be adventurous.

Though there were classes going on, and things to be done there was no lack of things to do. There was the shipboard auction which I unfortunately didn't get any good video of. However, my mother would have killed me for even thinking about spending as much money as some of these people dropped. There were things from professional football games and time share homes around the country. All of the money was donated to SAS for scholarships. There was also the shipboard talent show. It was.... entertaining to say the least. There were classical pianists, belly dancers, singers and slam poets. It was really cool to be able to see the amount of talent on the ship from people you might have never expected. Even I got in on the action dancing hula in front of everyone. Here are some videos from that night.. They aren't the best quality but you can still see some of the amazing talent.

Little Nate Kahn, drama professor Drew Kahn's son singing Never Say Never by Justin Beiber. The talent show was open to the WHOLE shipboard community so kids of teachers were able to perform and he was definitely a crowd favorite. Though there was a minor mic malfunction in the beginning he did great.

Emily sang beautifully, that night as Alex had her back with the melody. They had also sang "I'm on a Boat" which was.... crazy. It was so funny. But the jazzy sound of Emily's voice  makes this one of my favorite performances from the night.

Leilah took the talent show that night with her belly dancing routine. She had also taught a belly dancing class on the ship and they performed as well. She's incredibly talented and extraordinarily mesmerizing. 

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