15 May 2011

24 days

As the feelings of nostalgia linger in the closing of the semester, bittersweet goodbyes are whispered in heavy sobs of uncertainty. There are promises of see you laters and promises of a fun-filled summers. Despite the rocky start to  twenty-eleven, there is an overwhelming amount of excitement, hope, anxiousness and nervousness that has filled my body. As I took a look back at what I had told myself in the beginning of the semester I couldn't help but smile at the thought of me being able to embark on this adventure. 
 03Jan11- Whats in store for 2011 has yet to reveal itself to me, but if this past year has been any sort of mask to what opportunities lie ahead for me I’ll embrace it with an open heart. For the new year the only thing I truly hope for is to become a better version of the person I already have established myself to be. While I’m at the age where I’m constantly changing my mind and finding new ways to experience and express, I’d just like to know that I’ve done something. I want to be able to inspire someone, if even just one person to get out and do something to make themselves proud. 2011 is going to be an adventure. Trying to be able to rely solely on my desire to conquer everything put in my way. I have set goals for myself (realistic ones) that I hope to stick to, just to show myself I am able to accomplish the task at hand. Two thousand and eleven will be my year. Hats off to a new year, a new adventure, a new beginning.
Little did I know, an adventure is what I was going to receive. It has by no means been an easy task to get here. Having an extraordinarily supportive group of people pushing and encouraging me to do what I am doing was one of the main things that motivated me to keep at it. Interestingly, the reality of this experience has yet to hit me. Leaving Hawaii will probably be the breaking point of this all. In ways its hard to even begin to describe what I feel. What I do know, is that this is going to be something I remember forever and I'm proud of myself for taking advantage of the opportunities that going to university has provided me with. I never thought that I would be able to do half of the things I have, especially coming from such a small place.

What I've learned from this all is to never say never because truthfully, amazing things happen to those willing to let it.

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